NFIS - National Forest Information System CCFM

NFIS Access · Help


Some of the services and content provided by NFIS require users to sign in using an NFIS user account. This user account uniquely identifies the user across the entire NFIS network. Once an NFIS account is created, administrators may grant the user access to restricted services and content.

NFIS applications can take advantage of the user account to grant conditional access to resources within a Web application. For example, one user accessing a Web application may only be able to only view information, while another user may be able to both view and edit information. In some cases, user preferences can be saved within the Web application so that when the user subsequently uses the application, their previously saved preferences are restored.

Two types of NFIS user accounts are possible:

number 1.gif (1K) Public user account - Users that are not affiliated with a participating jurisdiction may create a user account using the link: Account Registration.
number 2.gif (1K) Jurisdictional user account - Employees of participating jurisdictions may sign in to NFIS with the same username and password that they use within their jurisdiction. Currently, the following NFIS jurisdictions provide authentication for their members:
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Some NFIS Web applications require that a user adds profile information to their account. This profile information contains contact information that can be used for reporting purposes. Profile information can also be used by application administrators to inform users of application upgrades and changes. Adding profile information can be done using the link: Add Profile.